Happy Easter and rest assured we are working on our next update....
The new JobKeeper legislation has been passed by parliament overnight, however is yet to receive royal assent. There will be some additional information (rules) released by the Treasurer once royal assent is completed.
This legislation is complicated, with the draft legislation 17 pages long and the draft explanatory memorandum over 100 pages long, so please give us some time to digest this information once we see the final legislation and learn from our industry bodies before we release further information and respond to your queries.
We envisage providing further information after the Easter break.
The Team at Aegis Business Services have had a huge few weeks getting across all this new information and therefore we are encouraging all our staff to shut off and enjoy the well deserved long Easter break so that they can be ready to guide our clients through the next stage.
In saying that we would also like to wish all our clients a very Happy Easter and ask that you take this time to spend with your "households" and catch up virtually with your loved ones and most importantly we hope the Easter Bunny visits you......